If you are on Facebook, please join our new Facebook page:
Shoreline Class of '69
Also, please update information (add a paragraph!) on classmates who are no longer with us on our "In Memory Of" tab or use the "Contact Us" tab (and include a photo if you can get one)...hopefully there won't be too many more additions!
We have tried so hard to find everyone and have fought our way through disconnected landlines, old email addresses (juno?really?) and some of you are hiding out! This website is where we will keep up to date records of your contact information so you should update it whenever you have a change. If you have contact with ANYONE from our class, please reach out to them and pass on this information. Just have them email us (see Contact Us tab) or FB message us or let us know how to reach them. You can contact anyone yourself via the email on their profile area. Please ask them to keep their contact information on this site current.
Here's to staying in touch and reconnecting again!
Sandi S.,Kathy, Bev, Pam, Duane, Ruth and Sandi N.
ALL photos on this site can be enlarged for viewing by just clicking on them!