How close to October 19th can I buy tickets?
We will have a more definite date later because we have to give a count to our caterer, however, we have to prepare for you so please let us know ASAP if you plan to attend but just can't buy a ticket yet. For instance, we want to have your name tag ready and have enough to feed you too!

Where do I send the money if I write a check and who do I make it out to?
Send a check for $95 per person out to:
Shoreline High School Class of 1969
and mail to:
Shoreline High School Reunion, PO Box 408, Redmond, WA 98370 (no handling fee).

Why does it cost more to use my credit card?
The myeventpage charges a small handling fee. 

Where do I park?
There is a large lot just north of the Yacht Club and across the street. There is also parking around the club.

What should I wear?
We want everyone to be comfortable so we insist on clothing! No shoes, no shirt...you know the drill. Just come clean. We thought about reinstating the school's girls' skirt length requirements...ha, ha.

What if I want to come but can't really afford it?
Please, please contact us so we can handle it so you can come. We want everyone who wants to come to be able to attend.

Other questions? Please use the Contact Us tab.